cover image - Structure & Function of the Body - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 17th Edition
ISBN: 9780323871761
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 07-16-2024
Page Count: 624
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $67.99

Structure & Function of the Body - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 17th Edition

by Kevin T. Patton, PhD, Frank B. Bell, DC, MSHAPI, Terry Thompson, MS, MSHAPI and Peggie L. Williamson, PT, DPT, MS, MSHAPI

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

cover image - Structure & Function of the Body - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 17th Edition
ISBN: 9780323871761
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 07-16-2024
Page Count: 624
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $67.99
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Give your students a solid foundation in A&P with this easy-to-understand text! Clear and straightforward, Structure & Function of the Body, 17th Edition introduces the typical structure and function of the human body and describes what the body does to maintain homeostasis. The book shows how structure fits function, using clinical examples to reinforce A&P concepts and featuring hundreds of photos and micrographs for realistic visual detail. Designed to fit a one-semester course, this text includes an Evolve website packed with animations, audio pronunciations, review questions, and many other interactive teaching and learning resources.
    • NEW! Updated content is added, and new line art and photos ensure wider representation of skin color, sex, age, body type, and cultural diversity.
    • NEW! Inclusive terminology reduces the emphasis on eponyms — for example, the term “normal” is more carefully used to avoid implying that healthy conditions outside the average are “abnormal.”
    • NEW! The latest scientific thinking introduces or expands upon emerging core concepts such as the human microbiome, with a new diagram illustrating the changes in the microbiome throughout the human life cycle.
    • Clear, conversational writing style is paired with “chunked” content, which breaks down the material into smaller, bite-sized bits of information that are easier to read and understand.
    • More than 400 full-color photos, micrographs, and drawings illustrate the diversity and detail of the human body.
    • Language of Science and Medicine lists in each chapter includes key terms, pronunciations, and word parts to highlight new or complex medical terminology.
    • NEW! Updated and new Connect It! boxes refer readers to articles on the Evolve website that integrate concepts and discuss the latest clinical developments and scientific research, showing “the big picture” of human structure and function.
    • NEW! Updated Science Application boxes discuss possible career paths within the context of a diversity of historical figures and their life stories, all in a way that will resonate with healthcare students.
    • NEW! Updated chapter-opener designs make the chapter openers more inviting and easier to use.
    • NEW! Updated chemical notation for ions reflect the current IUPAC format.
    • NEW! Quick Guide to the Language of Science and Medicine is added to Evolve, helping students learn medical terminology without the need for a separate textbook.
    • NEW! In-text callouts for Active Concept Maps and animations guide students to learning resources on Evolve.
    • UNIQUE! Reader-friendly paging design allows the textbook to break free from the grid format used in traditional textbooks, making the information more accessible and motivating.
    • UNIQUE! 22-page Clear View of the Human Body insert allows students to peel back the layers of the human body, both male and female, by flipping through full-color, semi-transparent pages.
    • Student-friendly features make learning easier with chapter outlines, chapter objectives, key terms, study hints, frequent Quick Check questions, chapter summaries, review questions, critical thinking questions, chapter tests, and more.
    • Boxed sidebars include Health and Well-Being, Clinical Application, Research, Issues, and Trends, and Science Applications to help students apply concepts and develop critical thinking skills.
    • Student resources on Evolve include animations, audio summaries, audio pronunciations, the Body Spectrum anatomy coloring book, review questions, and FAQs with answers from the authors.
  • 1 Introduction to the Body
    Scientific Method
    Levels of Organization
    Anatomical Position
    Anatomical Directions

    Directional Terms
    Anatomical Compass Rosette
    Planes of the Body
    Body Cavities

    Dorsal Cavities
    Ventral Cavities
    Body Regions
    Balance of Body Functions

    Feedback Control
    Negative Feedback
    Positive Feedback
    Healthy Fluctuations
    Human Microbiome
    2 Chemistry of Life
    Levels of Chemical Organization

    Elements and Compounds
    Chemical Bonding
    Ionic Bonds
    Covalent Bonds
    Hydrogen Bonds
    Inorganic Chemistry
    Acids, Bases, and Salts
    Organic Chemistry
    Types of Organic Compounds
    Nucleic Acids
    Chemistry in the Human Body
    3 Cells
    Overview of Cells

    Size and Shape
    Parts of the Cell
    Plasma Membrane
    Cell Extensions
    Relationship of Cell Structure and Function
    Movement of Substances Through Cell Membranes

    Types of Membrane Transport
    Passive Transport Processes
    Active Transport Processes
    Cell Growth and Reproduction
    Cell Growth
    Cell Reproduction
    4 Tissues
    Introduction to Tissues

    Tissue Types
    Epithelial Tissue
    Introduction to Epithelial Tissue
    Squamous Epithelium
    Cuboidal Epithelium
    Columnar Epithelium
    Pseudostratified Epithelium
    Transitional Epithelium
    Connective Tissue
    Introduction to Connective Tissue
    Fibrous Connective Tissue
    Bone Tissue
    Cartilage Tissue
    Blood Tissue
    Hematopoietic Tissue
    Muscle Tissue
    Introduction to Muscle Tissue
    Skeletal Muscle Tissue
    Cardiac Muscle Tissue
    Smooth Muscle Tissue
    Nervous Tissue
    Tissues and the Whole Body

    5 Organ Systems
    Organ Systems of the Body

    Integumentary System
    Skeletal System
    Muscular System
    Nervous System
    Endocrine System
    Cardiovascular System
    Lymphatic and Immune Systems
    Respiratory System
    Digestive System
    Urinary System
    Reproductive Systems
    The Body as a Whole
    Applying Organ System Concepts
    6 Skin & Membranes
    Body Membranes

    Classification of Membranes
    Epithelial Membranes
    Connective Tissue Membranes
    Structure of the Skin
    Hair, Nails, and Skin Receptors
    Skin Glands
    Functions of the Skin
    Skin Cancer
    Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    Basal Cell Carcinoma
    Kaposi Sarcoma
    Classification of Burns
    Estimating Body Surface Area
    7 Skeletal System
    Functions of the Skeletal System

    Gross Structure of Bones
    Bone Types
    Structure of Long Bones
    Structure of Flat Bones
    Microscopic Structure of Bones
    Bone Tissue Structure
    Cartilage Tissue Structure
    Bone Development
    Making and Remodeling Bone
    Endochondral Ossification
    Intramembranous Ossification
    Axial Skeleton
    Hyoid Bone
    Vertebral Column (Spine)
    Appendicular Skeleton
    Upper Extremity
    Lower Extremity
    Skeletal Variations
    Sex-Related Skeletal Differences
    Age Differences
    Environmental Factors
    Articulation of Bones
    Kinds of Joints
    8 Muscular System
    Muscle Tissue

    Skeletal Muscle
    Cardiac Muscle
    Smooth Muscle
    Structure of Skeletal Muscle
    Muscle Organs
    Muscle Fibers
    Functions of Skeletal Muscle
    Heat Production
    Role of Other Body Systems in Movement
    Motor Unit
    Muscle Stimulus

    Types of Skeletal Muscle Contractions
    Twitch and Tetanic Contractions
    Isotonic Contraction
    Isometric Contraction
    Effects of Exercise on Skeletal Muscle
    Movements Produced by Skeletal Muscle

    Angular Movements
    Circular Movements
    Special Movements
    Skeletal Muscle Groups
    Muscles of the Head and Neck
    Muscles of the Upper Extremities
    Muscles of the Trunk
    Muscles That Move the Lower Extremities
    9 Nervous System
    Organization of the Nervous System
    Cells of the Nervous System

    Nerves and Tracts
    Nerve Signals

    Reflex Arcs
    Nerve Impulses
    Central Nervous System
    Spinal Cord
    Coverings and Fluid Spaces
    Peripheral Nervous System
    Cranial Nerves
    Spinal Nerves
    Autonomic Nervous System
    Functional Anatomy
    Autonomic Conduction Paths
    Sympathetic Division
    Parasympathetic Division
    Autonomic Neurotransmitters
    Autonomic Nervous System as a Whole
    10 Senses
    Classification of Senses

    General Senses
    Special Senses
    Sensory Receptor Types
    Sensory Pathways
    General Senses

    Distribution of General Sense Receptors
    Modes of Sensation
    Special Senses
    Hearing and Equilibrium
    Integration of Senses
    11 Endocrine System
    Endocrine Glands
    Mechanisms of Hormone Action

    Nonsteroid Hormones
    Steroid Hormones
    Regulation of Hormone Secretion
    Negative Feedback
    Positive Feedback
    Levels of Regulation
    Pituitary Gland

    Structure of the Pituitary Gland
    Anterior Pituitary Gland Hormones
    Posterior Pituitary Gland Hormones
    Thyroid Gland

    Thyroid Hormone
    Parathyroid Glands
    Adrenal Glands

    Location of Adrenal Glands
    Adrenal Cortex
    Adrenal Medulla
    Pancreatic Islets
    Sex Glands

    Pineal Gland
    Endocrine Functions Throughout the Body

    Other Endocrine Tissues
    Hormone Actions in Every Organ
    12 Blood
    Blood Composition

    Blood Tissue
    Blood Plasma
    Formed Elements
    Red Blood Cells
    RBC Structure and Function
    RBC Count
    Blood Types
    White Blood Cells
    Introduction to WBCs
    WBC Count
    WBC Types
    WBC Conditions
    Platelets and Blood Clotting
    Blood Clotting
    Atypical Blood Clots
    13 Cardiovascular System
  • Kevin T. Patton, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Life Sciences, St. Charles Community College Cottleville, MO Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology Instruction (HAPI adjunct) Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY, USA, Frank B. Bell, DC, MSHAPI, Adjunct Assistant Professor MS in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (MSHAPI) Program Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY, USA, Terry Thompson, MS, MSHAPI, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences Wor-Wic Community College President Emeritus - HAPS Salisbury, MD, USA and Peggie L. Williamson, PT, DPT, MS, MSHAPI, University of Mary Hardin DPT Program Baylor in Belton, TX Bellah Therapies, LLC Harker Heights, TX, USA
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