Evolve Resources for Yoder-Wise's Leading and Managing in Canadian Nursing, 3rd Edition
by Nancy Walton, RN, PhD and Janice Waddell, RN, MA, PhD
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Educator Resources on Evolve - TEACH for Nurses
- Test bank
- PowerPoint® slides
- Image collection
- Conversion guide
- NEW! Leadership case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination
- Application activities and answers
- Answers to end-of-chapter Thinking it Through Case Studies
- Questions to Consider
- Answers for in-text and Evolve exercises
- Credits
Student Resources on Evolve - NEW! Case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination
- Additional text chapters: Staffing and Scheduling; and Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff
- Additional exercises
Part I: Core Concepts
1. Leading, Managing, and Following
2. Developing the Role of Leader
3. The Multi-dimensional Role of the Nurse Manager: Developing for Success
4. Nursing Leadership in Indigenous Health
5. Nursing Students as Leaders Context
6. Ethical Concerns and Challenges
7. Legal Concerns in Nursing Leadership and Management
8. Making Decisions and Solving Problems
9. The Canadian Health Care System
10. Understanding and Designing Organizational Structures
11. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Decolonization: Responsive Leading and Managing in Health Care
12. Power, Politics, and Influence
Part II: Managing Resources
13. Caring and Communicating in Nursing with Technology
14. Managing Costs and Budgets
15. Care Delivery Strategies
16. Staffing and Scheduling (available only on Evolve)
17. Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff (available only on Evolve)
Part III: Changing the Status Quo
18. Strategic Planning and Goal-Setting
19. Nurses Leading Change: A Relational Emancipatory Framework for Health and Social Action
20. Building Teams Through Communication and Partnerships
21. Collective Nursing Advocacy
22. Understanding Quality, Risk, and Safety
23. Translating Research into Practice
Part IV: Interpersonal and Personal Skills Interpersonal
24. Understanding and Resolving Conflict
25. Managing Personnel Problems
26. Workplace Violence and Incivility
27. Inter- and Intraprofessional Practice and Leading in Professional Practice Settings Personal
28. Role Transition
29. Self-Management: Stress and Time Future
30. Leading and Managing Your Career
Nancy Walton, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing; Associate Dean, Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario; Deputy Chair and Ethicist, Health Canada/Public Health Agency of Canada’s Research Ethics Board, Toronto, Ontario and Janice Waddell, RN, MA, PhD, Professor Emerita, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario
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