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cover image - Occupational Therapy for People Experiencing Illness, Injury or Impairment - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323882958
Copyright: 2025
Page Count: 840
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $54.99

Occupational Therapy for People Experiencing Illness, Injury or Impairment - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition

by Michael Curtin, EdD, MPhil, BOccThy, Mary Egan, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), FCAOT, Yeliz Prior, PhD, BSc, FHEA, HCPC, MRCOT, Tracey Parnell, PhD, MOT, BaAppSc(OT), GCLTHE, SFHEA, Roshan Galvaan, PhD, MSc(OT), BSc(OT), Katrine Sauvé-Schenk, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Daniel Cezar Da Cruz, PhD, MSc, BSc, FHEA, MRCOT

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Occupational Therapy for People Experiencing Illness, Injury or Impairment - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323882958
Copyright: 2025
Page Count: 840
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $54.99
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Expected availability date: 02-07-2025
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    • Practical text and online assets link theory with day-to-day practice
    • Collaborative-relationship-focused, inclusive and strengths-based language
    • Summaries and key points for each chapter make navigation easy
    • Focus on working with groups, communities and populations in addition to working with individuals, reflecting the evolving and expanding scope of practice
    • Practice stories throughout the text, and detailed practice stories in Section 5, inviting the reader to reflect on the information, skills and attitudes that inform practice
    • Online multiple choice questions and questions for reflection at the end of each chapter enable readers to assess and apply their knowledge
  • Foreword

    Section 1 Contemporary Reflections on Occupational Therapy
    1 Decoloniality in Occupational Therapy Practice: Preparation and Readiness
    2 Critical Perspectives in Occupational Therapy: Problematising Practice to Address the Socio-political Shaping of Occupation
    3 a Political Project for Occupational Therapists
    4 Social Occupational Therapy: Principles for Action Towards Participation
    5 Analysing the Practice Context: a Critical Step in Meeting Professional Obligations
    6 Occupation
    7 Reflecting on the Contribution of the Dimensions of the Environment to Occupational Participation
    8 the Continual Evolution of the Occupational Therapy Profession
    Section 2 Understanding and Exploring Occupational Participation
    9 Professional Reasoning
    10 an Occupation, Capability and Wellbeing Framework for Occupational Therapy
    11 the Canadian Model of Occupational Participation (CanMOP)
    12 the Collaborative Relationshipfocused Practice and the Canadian Occupational Therapy Practice Process Framework
    13 Process of Exploring Occupational Participation
    14 Exploring Occupational Needs and Expanding Occupational Possibilities of Collectives
    15 Exploring the Impact of the Environment on Occupational Participation
    16 Exploring Occupational Participation Using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
    17 Exploring Occupational Participation Using Task, Activity and Occupational Analyses
    18 Dynamic Performance Analysis
    19 Co-designing Plans to Access, Initiate and Sustain Occupational Participation
    20 Exploring Safety and Risk to Promote Occupational Participation
    Section 3 Skills and Strategies to Promote Occupational Participation
    21 Advocacy
    22 Education
    23 Health Promotion
    24 Lifestyle and Self-management
    25 Sexuality
    26 Work Participation
    27 Occupational Performance Coaching
    28 Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach
    29 Home Modification and Universal Design
    30 Embracing a Critical Community Development Orientation and Strategy in Occupational Therapy Practice
    Section 4 Skills and Strategies to Support the Promotion of Occupational Participation
    31 Assistive Technology
    32 Walking and Falls
    33 Wheeled Mobility and Seating Systems
    34 Driving and Transportation for Community Mobility
    35 Moving and Positioning of People
    36 Biomechanical Strategies to Initiate and Sustain Occupational Participation
    37 Managing Fatigue
    38 Managing Pain
    39 Improving Arm Function After Acquired Brain Impairment
    40 Hand Therapy and Orthotics
    41 Working With People Living With Vision Impairment
    42 Cognition and Perception
    Section 5 Practice Stories – Promoting Occupational Participation
    43 Mrs Tremblay: Continuum of Care From Hospital to Community Following a Stroke
    44 Mr Fitch: Work Retention Vocational Rehabilitation
    45 Arthur: Promoting Occupational Participation of a Person With a Life-limiting Illness
    46 Person-centred Risk Assessment and Planning
    47 Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction
    48 Wellness 2 Age Program
    49 Pabllo and Their Dissidence of Gender and Sexuality
    50 Building Connections and Accessing Diverse Networks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: National and Provincial Advocacy and Lobbying in South Africa

  • Michael Curtin, EdD, MPhil, BOccThy, Head of School and Associate Professor, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW, Australia, Mary Egan, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), FCAOT, Professor, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Yeliz Prior, PhD, BSc, FHEA, HCPC, MRCOT, Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation, School of Health and Society, The University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, Tracey Parnell, PhD, MOT, BaAppSc(OT), GCLTHE, SFHEA, Associate Head of School and Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW, Australia, Roshan Galvaan, PhD, MSc(OT), BSc(OT), Professor of Occupational Therapy, Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, Katrine Sauvé-Schenk, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and Daniel Cezar Da Cruz, PhD, MSc, BSc, FHEA, MRCOT, Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy Programme, School of Health, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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Expected availability date: 02-07-2025
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