cover image - Workbook for Health Careers Today - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323931823
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 08-16-2021
Page Count: 432
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $42.99

Workbook for Health Careers Today - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 6th Edition

by Judith Gerdin, BSN, MS

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Workbook for Health Careers Today - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323931823
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 08-16-2021
Page Count: 432
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $42.99
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Corresponding to the chapters in Health Careers Today, 6th Edition, this workbook offers practical exercises to reinforce student understanding of core content. Fun and engaging activities include vocabulary and abbreviations exercises, concept applications, coloring and labeling, internet activities, and more. It’s an excellent way for students to master the material and prepare for exams!

Newer Edition Available

7th Edition

Workbook for Health Careers Today Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323789721
    • NEW! Three new chapters cover professionalism, medical mathematics, and medical terminology to give students a firm foundation in the basics of health care.
    • Key terms and medical terminology activities in each chapter make it easy for students to learn health care terminology.
    • Abbreviations exercises help students learn medical abbreviations and acronyms, along with their definitions.
    • Concept application exercises cover core information and help in applying knowledge to the real world.
    • Laboratory exercises offer hands-on activities to hone lab skills and learn pharmacology.
    • Critical-thinking activities build students’ decision-making skills.
    • Coloring and labeling exercises help students learn key concepts and understand anatomical structures.
    • Online activities offer practice with finding information and conducting research on the Internet.
    • NEW! Three new chapters cover professionalism, medical mathematics, and medical terminology, offering the practice and repetition you need to master the basics of health care.
  • Unit I: Career Foundation
     1. Health Care of the Past, Present, and Future
     2.  Interpersonal Dynamics, Systems, and Communications
     3. Safety, Health, and Environmental Practices
     4. Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
     5. Culture and Health Care
     6. Employability and Career Development
     7. Academic Foundation
     8. Wellness, Growth and Development
     9. Professionalism  NEW!
     10. Medical Mathematics  NEW!
     11. Medical Terminology  NEW!
    Unit II: Anatomy and Physiology
     12. Body Organization
     13. Integumentary System
     14. Cardiovascular System
     15. Circulatory System
     16. Respiratory System
     17. Skeletal System
     18. Muscular System
     19. Digestive System
     20. Urinary System
     21. Endocrine System
     22. Nervous System
     23. Sensory System
     24. Reproductive System
    Unit III: Career Pathways
     25. Biotechnology Research and Development Careers
     26. Clinical Laboratory and Medical Forensics Careers
     27. Imaging Careers
     28. Emergency Health Careers
     29. Information and Administration Careers
     30. Environmental Careers
     31. Nursing Careers
     32. Medical Careers
     33. Dental Careers
     34. Complementary and Alternative Careers
     35. Veterinary Careers
     36. Community and Social Careers
     37. Mental Health Careers
     38. Rehabilitative Careers
  • Judith Gerdin, BSN, MS, Paradise Valley High School, Phoenix, AZ
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.