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cover image - Evolve Resources for Brody's Human Pharmacology,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780443110283
Copyright: 2025
Page Count: 742
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $0.00

Evolve Resources for Brody's Human Pharmacology, 7th Edition

by Lynn Wecker, PhD and Susan L. Ingram, PhD


cover image - Evolve Resources for Brody's Human Pharmacology,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780443110283
Copyright: 2025
Page Count: 742
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $0.00
Not Yet Available
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Expected availability date: 12-16-2024
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    • Contains all the essential aspects of pharmacology – suitable for exam preparation
    • Full color illustrations explain important processes and color-coded boxes enhance understanding
    • Therapeutic overviews, clinical problems and trade names – everything you need to know
    • Self-assessment questions and further reading to reinforce learning
    • Current developments for each class of drugs and how information relates to students in the healthcare professions bring learning to life
    • Updated content throughout
    • Pharmacodynamics chapter revised to include discussions of positive and negative allosteric modulators, as well as biased agonism
    • Pharmacogenetics chapter considers genetic variations and their relationship to drug responses
    • Section on cancer drugs revised to reflect major advances
    • New chapter on immunological and cell-based therapies
  • Section 1 Mechanisms of Drug Action and Therapeutic Principles
    1. Introduction
    Susan L. Ingram and Lynn Wecker
    2. Pharmacodynamics: Receptors and Concentration-Response Relationships
    JoAnn Trejo, Laura M. Bohn and James Carlton Garrison II
    3. Pharmacokinetics
    Namandje Bumpus and Paul Frederick Hollenberg
    4. Pharmacogenomics
    Larisa Cavallari, Scott A. Mosley and Emily J. Cicali
    5. Drug Discovery, Development and Regulation
    Felix Kim, Lance McMahon, James Barrett, Samuel Obeng and Christopher R. McCurdy
    Section 2 Chemical Mediators and Drugs Affecting Autonomic and Neuromuscular Synapses
    6. Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System
    Marsha L. Pierce and Lynn Wecker
    Cholinergic Drugs
    7. Muscarinic Agonists, Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Their Clinical Uses
    Naoto Hoshi and Frederick J. Ehlert
    8. Muscarinic Antagonists and Their Clinical Uses
    Naoto Hoshi and Frederick J. Ehlert
    9. Nicotinic Agonists and Their Clinical Uses
    Marsha L. Pierce and Lynn Wecker
    10. Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs and Nicotinic Antagonists
    Marsha L. Pierce and Lynn Wecker
    Adrenergic Drugs
    11. Adrenergic Agonists and Their Clinical Uses
    Javier Cuevas
    12. Adrenergic Antagonists and Their Clinical Uses
    Javier Cuevas
    Section 3 Drug Treatment for Disorders Affecting the Central Nervous System
    13. The Central Nervous System
    Susan L. Ingram and Lynn Wecker
    14. Drug Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Cognitive Disorders/Dementias
    Michael S. Jaffee, Steven Trent DeKosky, Meredith Wicklund and Benjamin Albert Chapin
    15. Pharmacotherapy of Basal Ganglia Disorders: Parkinson Disease and Huntington Disease
    Samba Reddy and Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos
    16. Drug Therapy for Psychoses and Bipolar Disorder
    Glenn Catalano, Deborah L. Sanchez, Lynn Wecker and Cory M. Klippel
    17. Drug Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
    Glenn Catalano, Deborah L. Sanchez, Lynn Wecker and Greg Sullivan
    18. Drug Therapy for the Management of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
    Samba Reddy
    19. Drug Therapy for Insomnia and the Hypersomnias
    Miranda Lim and Lynn Wecker
    20. Drug Therapy for Managing Obesity and Eating Disorders
    Charles Rudick
    21. Treatment of Seizure Disorders
    Michael A. Rogawski
    22. Drug Therapy for Spasticity Disorders
    Samba Reddy
    23. Ethanol, Other Alcohols and Drugs for Alcohol Use Disorder
    Jesse D. Hinckley and christian J. Hopfer
    24. Illicit Psychoactive Compounds and Substance Use Disorder
    Jeffrey S. Block and Rex M. Philpot
    Section 4 Drug Therapy for Pain Management
    25. Introduction
    Susan L. Ingram
    26. General Anesthetics
    Jeffrey J. Pasternak and Tasha L. Welch
    27. Local Anesthetics
    Guy Weinberg and Joshua Edwards
    28. Opioid Analgesics
    Susan L. Ingram and Elena Bagley
    29. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents and Acetaminophen
    Jennelle Durnett Richardson and Jill Fehrenbacher
    30. Cannabinoids as Analgesics
    Jeffrey S. Block, Rex M. Philpot and Lynn Wecker
    31. Drug Therapy for Migraine Headache
    Samba Reddy
    Section 5 Treatment of Inflammatory, Allergic and Immunologic Disorders
    32. Drug Therapy for Gout and Hyperuricemia
    Angelo Gaffo and Keith Elmslie
    33. Drug Therapy for Allergic Reactions
    Annette Gilchrist and Angela Karash
    34. Immunosuppressants for Autoimmune Disorders and Organ Transplantation
    Kymberly Gowdy, Mythili Chunduru and Jennifer Anne Ferrante
    35. Drug Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Michelle Jane Ormseth and Keith Elmslie
    Section 6 Drug Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases
    36. Introduction to the Regulation of Cardiovascular Function
    Beth A. Habecker, David A. Taylor, Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman and Steven E. Mansoor
    37. Overview of Hypertension Management and Drugs That Decrease Sympathetic Tone
    James A. McCormick, David A. Taylor and Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman
    38. Diuretics and Drugs That Affect Volume and Electrolyte Content
    James A. McCormick and Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman
    39. Drugs Affecting the Renin-Angiotensin- Aldosterone System
    Vardan T. Karamyan and Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman
    40. Calcium Channel Blockers
    Kelly Karpa and Ryan Wilson
    41. Vasodilators for Hypertensive Crises, Pulmonary Hypertension and Erectile Dysfunction
    David Anthony Tulis and David S. Middlemas
    42. Drug Therapy for Hyperlipidemias and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
    Dan F. McCune, Michael T. Piascik and Robert Hadley
    43. Drug Therapy for Myocardial Ischemia and Angina Pectoris
    David A. Taylor and J. West Paul
    44. Treatment of Heart Failure
    Ashley Guillory, Michael T. Piascik and Robert Hadley
    45. Antiarrhythmic Drugs
    David A. Taylor and Stephanie W. Watts
    46. Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet and Fibrinolytic Medications
    Paul T. Kocis, Francis Herrmann, Kelly Karpa and Kent E. Chair
    47. Drug Therapy for Hemophilia and the Deficiency Anemias
    Pamela E. Potter and David A. Taylor
    Section 7 Treatment of Endocrine Disorders
    48. Introduction to Endocrine Pharmacology
    James J. O'Donnell III
    49. Treatment of Hypothalamic and Pituitary Disorders
    Gerald B. Call and James J. O'Donnell III
    50. The Pharmacology of Adrenocorticosteroid Disorders
    James J. O'Donnell III and Gerald B. Call
    51. Female Hormone Regulation
    David S. Middlemas and Julia Ousterhout
    52. Androgens, Antiandrogens, and Their Clinical Uses
    David S. Middlemas
    53. Drug Therapy for the Management of Diabetes
    Phillip Kopf and Julio A. Copello
    54. Drug Therapy for the Management of Thyroid Disorders
    James J. O'Donnell III and Gerald B. Call
    55. Calcium Regulating Hormones and Other Agents Affecting Bone
    James J. O'Donnell III and Gerald B. Call
    Section 8 Chemotherapy
    Infectious Diseases
    56. Principles of Antimicrobial Use
    Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson and Eman Soliman
    57. Drugs Targeting Bacterial Cell Walls and Membranes
    Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson and Daniel Ladin
    58. Drugs Targeting Bacterial Protein Synthesis
    Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson and Daniel Ladin
    59. Drugs Targeting Bacterial DNA
    Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson and Eman Soliman
    60. Antimycobacterial Agents
    Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson and Eman Soliman
    61. Drug Targeting Resistant Organisms
    Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson and Daniel Ladin
    Parasitic Diseases
    62. Antifungal Agents
    Mona McConnaughey
    63. Antimalarial and Other Antiprotozoal Agents
  • Lynn Wecker, PhD, Distinguished University Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, Director, Laboratory of Neuropsychopharmacology, USF College of Medicine, Tampa, Florida and Susan L. Ingram, PhD, Professor of Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
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Expected availability date: 12-16-2024
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