The Social and Structural Determinants of Health, 1st Edition
by Teri A. Murray, PhD, PHNA-BC, RN, ANEF, FAAN
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Help your nursing students gain the knowledge and skills needed to promote equity in health care! Focused on what nurses can do to address health disparities, The Social and Structural Determinants of Health: Educating Nurses to Advance Health Equity provides a comprehensive look at how factors such as income, education, and race can lead to systemic disadvantage in health and well-being. It shows how nurses can partner with communities and organizations to understand the root causes of inequities in health, develop equity-minded skills, and take action to advance long-lasting progress. Designed for nursing students and practicing nurses, this text makes it easy to learn and apply the principles that can lead to better health outcomes and healthier communities.
- Coverage of the social determinants of health (SDOH) includes the environmental conditions in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age, and how these conditions lead to systemic disadvantage in health and all aspects of life.
- Descriptions of the health disparities seen in marginalized and minoritized populations relate these to structural determinants such as the distribution of wealth, power, social and cultural norms, and economic and political factors.
- Context for the health disparities seen at the population level includes both structural and social determinants.
- Consistent format of chapters includes an engaging chapter-opening quotation, a Chapter Overview, Learning Objectives, Reflection Questions, a Case Study or Community-Based Experience, and Additional Resources.
- Unit I of the book includes five chapters patterned after the framework used by Healthy People 2030: Social Determinants of Health, with a sixth chapter on the historical context of race and racism in health and how it is an underlying factor for the inequities that lead to health disparities.
- Chapters in Unit II detail strategies aimed at helping to achieve health equity and provide strategies and approaches that nurses can employ to advance health equity
- Answer guidelines for in-text Case Studies and Reflection Questions are provided in the back of the book.
- Resources for instructors include PowerPoint® slides with additional case studies for in-class discussion and an image collection consisting of all drawings and photos from the book.
UNIT I Understanding the Social and Structural Determinants of Health
1 Health, Health Status, and the Social Determinants of Health
2 Income, Income Inequality, Poverty, and Health
3 Education, Educational Access, and Educational Quality
4 The Physical, Natural, and Built Environment
5 Social and Community Contexts
6 Race, Racism, Bias, Discrimination, and Privilege
UNIT II Strategies to Promote Health Equity
7 Policy, Politics, and the Political Determinants of Health
8 Social Justice and Health Equity
9 Culture and Health Equity
10 Community Engagement and Action-Oriented Models of Community Research
Responses to Student Reflection Questions
Teri A. Murray, PhD, PHNA-BC, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Professor, Dean Emerita, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri