Contemporary Nursing - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 10th Edition
by Barbara Cherry, DNSc, MBA, RN, NEA-BC and Susan R. Jacob, PhD, MS, RN
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
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Give your students the big picture on professional nursing issues and prepare them for leadership and management! Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management, Tenth Edition ensures that students are prepared for the complex and rapidly changing world of today’s nursing. Coverage of key topics includes nursing theories and evidence-based practice, quality improvement and patient safety, clinical judgment, delegation and supervision, communication and interdisciplinary collaboration, and working within a multicultural and multigenerational environment. Ideal for capstone courses, this text not only prepares your students for success on the NCLEX-RN® examination but for roles as effective nursing managers and leaders.
- NEW! Information on COVID-19 covers its impact on the nursing workforce, including travel nursing, as well as self-care and PTSD in post-pandemic nursing
- NEW! Coverage of emerging issues includes cultural humility, health disparities, and social determinants of health (from Healthy People 2030 and the Future of Nursing 2020-2030)
- NEW! Workforce advocacy updates address the nursing shortage, the Nurses Bill of Rights, and whistleblower protection
- NEW! Updated NCLEX-RN® Examination information includes the latest on the Next Generation NCLEX® exam, question types, and the new test plan
- NEW! Updates on information technology include health-related wearable technologies including sensors, biosensors, and remote monitoring, as well as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual and augmented reality technologies
- NEW! Updates on nursing leadership and management include expanded content on bullying and incivility, communication with different generations, and the use of social media
- NEW! Updated national patient safety goals include content on nursing quality indicators, AHRQ’s 2023 Making Healthcare Safer report, and the role of professional nurses in quality improvement guided by the AACN 2021 Essentials
- NEW! Updates on health policy and politics include information from the Future of Nursing Report 2020-2030 and content on reducing disparities to achieve health equity
- Current Issues in Health Care unit covers the rising costs of health care, legal and ethical issues, cultural competency, complementary and alternative healing, palliative care, workforce advocacy, collective bargaining, emergency preparedness, and more
- Leadership and Management in Nursing unit guides students through management skills such as budgeting, delegation, staffing, communication and conflict resolution, and health policy and politics
- Career Management unit describes how to make the transition from student to professional nurse, time management, career opportunities, and tips on how to pass the NCLEX-RN® examination
- Colorful, humorous cartoons depict the themes in each chapter
- Full-color illustrations and design demonstrate concepts and make the text visually appealing
- Case studies help students apply theory to clinical practice and to build clinical judgment skills
- Vignettes at the beginning of each chapter personalize nursing history and practice, and help students understand their place in the profession
- Questions to Consider While Reading This Chapter follow, reflecting back on the Vignettes and focusing the reader on the topic to be discussed
- Key terms, learning outcomes, and chapter overviews also begin each chapter, helping students organize and focus their study, and a summary at the end of each chapter reinforces the key points to remember
UNIT 1 The Development of Nursing
1 The Evolution of Professional Nursing
2 The Contemporary Image of Professional Nursing
3 The Influence of Contemporary Trends and
Issues on Nursing Education
4 Nursing Licensure and Certification
5 Theories of Nursing Practice
6 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Unit 2 Current Issues in Health Care
7 Paying for Health Care in America:
Rising Costs and Challenges
8 Legal Issues in Nursing and Health Care
9 Ethical and Bioethical Issues in Nursing and
Health Care
10 Cultural Competency, Person-Centered
Care, and Social Issues in Nursing and
Health Care
11 Complementary and Alternative Healing
12 Palliative Care
13 Workplace Advocacy for a Professional
Nursing Practice Environment
14 Collective Bargaining and Unions in
Today’s Workplace
15 Information Technology in the Clinical
16 Emergency Preparedness and Response
for Today’s World
Unit 3 Leadership and Management
in Nursing
17 Nursing Leadership and Management: The
18 Budgeting Basics for Nurses
19 Effective Communication and Conflict
20 Effective Delegation and Supervision
21 Staffing and Nursing Care Delivery Models
22 Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
23 Health Policy and Politics: Get Involved!
24 Clinical Judgment
Unit 4 Career Management
25 Making the Transition from Student to
Professional Nurse
26 Managing Time: The Path to High
27 Job Search: Finding Your Match
28 The NCLEX-RN® Examination
Barbara Cherry, DNSc, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, Professor Emerita, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Nursing, Lubbock, Texas, USA and Susan R. Jacob, PhD, MS, RN, Professor Emerita, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Nursing, Memphis, Tennessee