cover image - Fetal Monitoring in Practice, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780702043482
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 05-11-2017
Page Count: 272
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $49.95

Fetal Monitoring in Practice, 4th Edition

by Donald Gibb, MD MRCP FRCOG and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran


cover image - Fetal Monitoring in Practice, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780702043482
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 05-11-2017
Page Count: 272
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $49.95
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Newer Edition Available

5th Edition

Fetal Monitoring in Practice

ISBN: 9780323931458
      • Clear and friendly writing style makes a potentially challenging subject straightforward and accessible
      • Explains the correct use of terminology to help ensure safe and accurate communication
      • Emphasizes the importance of using monitoring techniques within the context of detailed clinical assessment
      • Explains the basics of interpretation including the influence of drugs used for pain relief
      • Explains common pitfalls associated with equipment usage and provides practical advice on how to avoid them
      • Explains the underlying pathophysiology associated with abnormal changes seen on the CTG
      • Explains and contextualizes relevant clinical trial data
      • Clinical scenarios demonstrate common presentations such as breech birth, twin pregnancies, brow presentation, hypertension, and eclampsia
      • Real CTG traces demonstrate more complex presentations such as prolonged deceleration, placental abruption, and fetal bleeding
      • Perfect for candidates undertaking the Advanced Training Skills Module of the RCOGs 'Advanced Labour Ward Practice'
      • Incorporates the latest guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
      • Expanded author team provides an international perspective
      • Includes new and expanded information on clinical assessment, complications including infection, anaemia and bleeding and medical litigation,
      • Contains a new chapter on competency testing in CTG interpretation prior to practice
  • 1 Introduction

    2 Clinical assessment and recording

    3 Auscultation of the fetal heart rate

    4 Electronic fetal monitoring – terminology and interpretation

    5 Pathophysiology of fetal heart rate (FHR)

    6 NICE and FIGO guidelines for interpretation of FHR patterns

    7 Antepartum fetal surveillance

    8 The admission test by cardiotocography or by auscultation

    9 Assessment of uterine contractions

    10 Oxytocin and fetal heart rate changes

    11 Meconium, infection, anaemia, bleeding

    12 Cardiotocographic interpretation: additional clinical scenarios

    13 Cardiotocographic interpretation: more difficult problems

    14 Fetal scalp blood sampling pH and lactate

    15 Fetal ECG waveform analysis

    16 Medico legal issues with CTG and current strategies to reduce litigation

    17 Competency testing in CTG interpretation prior to practice

  • Donald Gibb, MD MRCP FRCOG, Independent Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, The Birth Company (part of The Portland Hospital), Harley Street, London, UK and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, Professor Emeritus, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St George’s University of London, London, UK
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