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cover image - Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781455753277
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 03-20-2015
Page Count: 1520
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $338.99

Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Deepak Kademani and Paul Tiwana

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781455753277
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 03-20-2015
Page Count: 1520
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $338.99
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The Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the first OMS text to use a consistent, templated format to describe the operative techniques used for surgical procedures covering broad scope of the specialty. Step-by-step instructions and over 2,000 full-color illustrations demonstrate how to perform surgical procedures safely and efficiently, with coverage ranging from the surgical anatomy of the head and neck to oral surgery, implant surgery, orthognathic and craniofacial surgery, cleft lip and palate, craniomaxillofacial trauma, management of head and neck surgery, reconstructive procedures, TMJ surgery, and aesthetic facial surgery. With this comprehensive reference, readers will save time in reviewing and planning for OMS procedures.

Newer Edition Available

2nd Edition

Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323789653
    • A comprehensive approach to OMS operative procedures offers practical guidance to the management of patients with oral and maxillofacial disorders, with each surgical procedure chapter approximately six to eight pages in length and covering the following topics: armamentarium, history of the procedure, indications for use of the procedure, limitations and contraindications, technique, alternate or modified technique, avoidance and management of intraoperative complications, and postoperative considerations.
    • Detailed, step-by-step approach shows how to perform OMS surgical procedures safely and efficiently. 
    • Coverage of alternative and modified techniques addresses options other than the standard techniques.
    • A full-color design makes the text easier to navigate.
  • Section 1: Surgical Anatomy of Head & Neck 1. The Cranium and Skull Base   John Phelan and Laurence D. Pfeiffer 2. The Orbit and Eye   Alan Herford 3. The Paranasal Sinuses   Shyam Prasad Aravindaksha 4. Auditory System   Peter S. Roland 5. The Mouth, Jaws, and Face   Christopher Morris 6. The Salivary Glands   Melvyn Yeoh and Andrew Meram 7. The Neck   Jeff Dean 8. Facial Spaces   Joseph E. Cillo Jr. 9. Embryology of the Head and Neck   Janine Prange-Kiel

    Section 2: Oral Surgery 10. Extraction of Erupted Teeth   Carrie Klene 11. Impacted Teeth   Mary Ann Sabino and Benjaman Brown 12. Canine Exposure   Pamela J. Hughes and Shravan Renapurkar 13. Alveoloplasty   Stephanie Joy Drew 14. Palatal Torus & Lingual Tori Removal   Greg Ness 15. Apicoectomy   Peter Franco and Vasiliki Karlis 16. Lingual Nerve & Inferior Alveolar Nerve Repair   Leon Assael 17. Odontogenic Infection   Omar Abubaker and David Lui 18. Vestibuloplasty   Vincent J. Perciaccante and Sam E. Farish

    Section 3: Implant Surgery 19. Endosseous Dental Implants   Gil Triplett 20. Site Preservation and Ridge Augmentation   Tara L. Aghaloo 21. Alveolar Distraction   Ole Jensen and Zvi Laster 22. Sinus Lifting   Patrick Louis 23. Endosseous Craniofacial Implants   Sabine Girod 24. Implants in Microvascular Flaps   Daniel Buchbinder and Devin Okay 25. Implant Salvage Procedures   Christian Andrew Loestcher 26. Prosthodontic and Temporization and Procedures in Implant Surgery   Edward Schlissel 27. Periodontal Procedures in Implant Surgery   Jim Hinrichs

    Section 4: Orthognathic and Craniofacial Surgery 28. Facial Analysis Computer Assisted Planning in Correction of the Facial Skeleton   Stephanie Joy Drew Mandibular Surgery 29. Genioplasty   Ron Caloss 30. Mandibular Subapical   Paulo Jose Medeiros 31. I/EVRO   Samuel J. McKenna 32. Inverted L   Joseph Edward Van Sickels 33. BSSO   Joseph Edward Van Sickels Maxillary Surgery 34. Mandible Distraction in Infancy   Jocelyn M. Shand 35. Mandible Distraction for Cranial Conditions   Cesar Guerrero 36. The Anterior Segmental Maxillary Osteotomy   Dror M. Allon and Neeraj Panchal 37. SARPE   Jessica Lee 38. Le Fort I Osteotomy   Pushkar Mehra 39. Lefort I Osteotomy Segmental   Peter Waite 40. Maxillary intraoral distraction osteogenesis   Cesar Guerrero 41. Model Surgery Planning   Joseph John Fantuzzo 42. Combined Maxillary and Mandibular Surgery   Vincent J. Perciaccante and Robert A. Bays Craniofacial Surgery 43. Fronto-Orbital Advancement & Anterior Cranial Vault Remodeling   Paul Tiwana and Ramon L. Ruiz 44. Posterior Cranial Vault Remodeling   Douglas Sinn and Patrick Dalton 45. Total Cranial Vault Remodeling   Andrew Alistair Heggie and Tony Holmes 46. Le Fort III   Paul Tiwana, Tim Turvey and Carolyn Dicus Brookes 47. Orbital Box Osteotomies (translocation)   Likith V. Reddy 48. Monobloc and Bipartition   Jeffrey C. Posnick and Paul Tiwana 49. Techniques for Skull Base and Cervical Spine Access   James B. Holton

    Section 5: Cleft Lip and Palate 50. Unilateral Cheilorhinoplasty   David S. Precious 51. Bilateral Cheilorhinoplasty   Ghali Ghali 52. Cleft Palate   Kevin Smith and David Gailey 53. Techniques in Bone Grafting the Cleft Maxilla   Tim Turvey, Brent Golden and Carolyn Dicus Brookes 54. Pharyngoplasty   BJ Costello 55. Cleft Rhinoplasty   Andrew Alistair Heggie 56. Cleft Le Fort   Nabil Samman 57. Secondary Revisional Procedures in Cleft Patients    John Francis Caccamese Jr.

    Section 6: Craniomaxillofacial Trauma Principles 58. Facial Laceration Repair   Trevor Treasure 59. Techniques for Maxillo-Mandibular Fixation   Duke Yamashita and Nam Cho 60. Nasolacrimal Injuries   Radhika Chigurupati and John Vorrasi 61. Control of Facial Hemorrhage   Herman Kao Mandible Trauma 62. Principles & Biomechanics of RIF of Mandible   Mark Engelstad and Michael R. Markiewicz 63. Dentoalveolar Fractures   Stone Thayer 64. Anterior Mandibular Fractures   Brian Bast 65. Mandible Body Fractures   Mark R. Stevens and Hany A. Emam 66. Angle & Ramus Fractures   Jayini Thakker 67. Condylar Fractures   Likith V. Reddy 68. Atrophic Edentulous   Brian Alpert and Matthew James Madsen 69. Comminuted Mandibular Fractures   David B. Powers 70. Pediatric Mandibular Fractures   Zachary Peacock and Srinivas M. Susarla Midface Trauma 71. Principles & Biomechanics of RIF of Midface/Upper Face   Sebastian Sauerbier and Rainer Schmelzeisen 72. Nasal Fractures   Shahrokh Bagheri 73. Zygoma Fractures   Larry Cunningham Jr. and Ruba Khader 74. Orbital Fractures   Luis Vega 75. NOE Fractures   Stephen MacLeod and John Triggs 76. Lefort Injuries   Martin Steed 77. Pediatric Midface Injuries   Sean Edwards 78. Frontal Sinus Fractures   David Anthony Bitonti 79. Pan-facial Fractures   Alan Herford

    Section 7: Benign Pathology 80. Biopsy Techniques   J. Michael McCoy 81. Enucleation & Currettage   Joseph E. Cillo Jr. 82. Marsuplization   Mehran Hossaini-zadeh 83. Marginal Resection of the Mandible    Jasjit Dillon 84. Maxillectomy   Jonathan Bailey 85. Segmental Resection of the Mandible     D. David Kim and George Zakhary Salivary Gland & Thyroid Surgery 86. Sublingual Gland Excision and Ductal Surgery   Brian M. Woo 87. Submandibular Gland Excision   Eric R. Carlson 88. Superficial Parotidectomy   Daniel Oreadi 89. Thyroidectomy   Brendan Pierce and Maria Evasovich 90. Parathyroid Gland Surgery   Brett A. Miles 91. Thryoglossal Duct Cysts   David Hamlar 92. Brachial Cleft Cyst   Dale A. Baur 93. Carotid Body Tumor   Julio Acero

    Section 8: Malignant Pathology 94. Excision of Facial Skin Malignancy   Antonia Kolokythas and Thomas Schlieve 95. Local Flaps for Facial Reconstruction   Michael Zide and Hans Christian Brockhoff II Head and Neck Surgery 96. Panendoscopy   Tuan G. Bui and Michael R. Markiewicz 97. Cricothyroidotomy and Tracheostomy   Fayette C. Williams 98. Local Excision of Oral Malignancy   David Hirsch and Ashish A. Patel 99. Glossectomy   Brian L. Schmidt and Allen Cheng 100. Composite Mandibular Resection   Robert Ord and Donita Dyalram 101. Maxillectomy   Melvyn Yeoh 102. Orbital Resection   Alexander D. Rapidis and Casper Coppen 103. Neck Dissection   Deepak Kademani and Ketan Patel 104. Sentinel Lymph Node   R. Bryan Bell and Ashish A. Patel 105. Laryngectomy   Eric

  • Deepak Kademani and Paul Tiwana
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