Linda Silvestri
Dr. Linda Silvestri is a well-known nurse educator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist whose professional aspirations focus on assisting nursing students to become successful.
Linda has been teaching nursing students at all levels of nursing education for many years. She is currently a nursing instructor for undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). She earned her PhD in Nursing from UNLV and conducted research on self-efficacy and the predictors of NCLEX® success and her research findings are published in the Journal of Nursing Education and Practice.
Linda is a member of several nursing organizations including the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, the National League for Nursing, the American Nurses Association, and the American Academy of Nursing.
She has received several awards and honors. In 2019, she was inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. In 2012, she received the UNLV School of Nursing, Alumna of the Year Award. In 2010, she received the School of Nursing Certificate of Recognition for the Outstanding PhD Student. And, in the fall of this year, Linda will be inducted as a Fellow into the prestigious National League for Nursing, Academy of Nursing Education.
Linda is a successful Elsevier author of numerous best-selling NCLEX® preparation resources on national and international levels. She also serves as a leading NGN thought leader with Elsevier to help students prepare for the NCLEX as well as prepare for clinical practice when they become new nurses. Linda has co-authored, along with Angela Silvestri and Donna Ignatavicius, “Strategies for Student Success on the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Test Items”, a textbook that will help students master NGN test-taking skills.
Linda is the President and Owner of Nursing Reviews, Inc. and the Director and Owner of Professional Nursing Seminars, Inc. Both companies are dedicated to helping nursing students and graduates achieve their goals of becoming licensed nurses.