Additional Resources • Legacy (iNet) | Next Generation HESI Proctoring Best Practices This training will review best practices for Faculty proctoring their HESI exams for the first time. We highly recommend following these suggestions to ensure the integrity of the exam experience. Related Documents: HESI Implementation Guide 2024 (PDF) 1. Check Devices Check devices and collaborate with your college and Elsevier partners to ensure your equipment is ready before test day. Note: For HESI NG exams, please make sure you have downloaded the Elsevier Secure Browser 2. Schedule Exam Schedule exam at least two weeks before exam will be proctored and communicate when students must attend the exam – do not allow late entry 3. Define Prohibited Items and Behaviors Create a list of forbidden items in the test environment and develop clear proctor guidelines for recognizing and managing misconduct 4. Select Live Proctors or Retain Proctoring Service Select at least two proctors for each live in person test OR Partner with an approved remote vendor and act on any incidents reported by the service 5. Verify Students and Conduct Pre-Exam Verify students’ identity by checking their valid photo IDs and conduct a pre-exam review communicating expectations before exam admission 6. Minimize Manageable Interruptions Ensure students have used the restroom, drank water, etc. before taking the exam to minimize any reason for a student to leave the room 7. Monitor Students Actively Monitor student behavior by moving physically around the room (if applicable) and be sure to document any suspicious activity 8. Maintain Test Integrity Refuse to answer student questions about the content of the exam to ensure a consistent and accurate test taking experience 9. Review Troubleshooting Steps Review troubleshooting steps for common issues such as student disconnections and make sure proctors have our HESI emergency contact number (844-960-4374) should you encounter unexpected issues More like this: Additional Resources HESI Next Generation | Elsevier Secure Browser HESI® Live Proctoring Best Practices Faculty Guide (PDF) Additional Resources HESI Next Generation | HESI Legacy (iNET) HESI Proctoring Best Practices Additional Resources HESI Next Generation New Elsevier Secure Browser Additional Resources HESI Legacy (iNET) | HESI Next Generation HESI® Implementation Guide Additional Resources HESI Legacy (iNET) HESI® Legacy (iNet): Taking the A2 Exam on Your Own Device (pdf) (for students) Additional Resources HESI Legacy (iNET) HESI® Legacy (iNet): Taking the A2 Exam at a Testing Center (pdf) (for students) Additional Resources HESI Next Generation | HESI Legacy (iNET) | Remote Proctoring HESI: Remote Proctoring Options Additional Resources HESI Legacy (iNET) HESI® Legacy (iNet): Taking a HESI Legacy Exam on an iPad (pdf) (for students) Additional Resources HESI Next Generation HESI: Taking a HESI NG Exam on an iPad (pdf) (for Students) Need technical or product support? Visit our Evolve Support Center ↗