cover image - Anatomy and Physiology Online for Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780323625289
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 01-12-2018
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $60.95

Anatomy and Physiology Online for Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Edition

by Kevin T. Patton, PhD

Online Course

cover image - Anatomy and Physiology Online for Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780323625289
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 01-12-2018
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $60.95
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.

Are your students getting the most out of their anatomy and physiology text? With modules corresponding to the material in Patton's Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Edition, Anatomy & Physiology Online uses dynamic audio and visual elements to bring anatomy and physiology to life. Each module includes a set of lessons exploring key anatomical and physiological concepts, reinforcing students’ understanding with all new animations, activities, heart and lung sounds, quizzes, and interactive exercises. this comprehensive online course makes learning more engaging with over 300 full-color illustrations, photographs, and micrographs of anatomic structures, physiologic concepts, and disease processes.

Newer Edition Available

11th Edition

Anatomy and Physiology Online for Anatomy & Physiology

Online Course
ISBN: 9780323791090
    • NEW and UPDATED! New animations throughout from the acclaimed Elsevier Animation Collection!
    • NEW! Updated content matches changes in the new edition of the text.
    • Over 300 full-color illustrations, photographs, and micrographs of anatomic structures, physiologic concepts, and disease processes make learning more visual and engaging.
    • More than 150 state-of-the-art, full-color animations with narration clarify anatomic and physiologic processes and show underlying structures and functions, such as pulmonary circulation, events of the cardiac cycle, and sensory and motor pathways of the central nervous system.
    • More than 300 interactive exercises reinforce key concepts and provide immediate feedback with activities such as identification, image association, flash cards, crosswords, and sequencing.
    • Cardiac and respiratory audio segments allow students to hear actual heart and lung sounds, including murmurs, friction rubs, crackles, and wheezes.
    • Learning objectives for each lesson focus students’ attention on the most important points.
    • Lesson quizzes and module exams assess students’ understanding of the content and provide immediate feedback.
    • Reading assignments from the text are closely aligned with the content and activities in each online lesson.
    • A complete glossary of terms includes definitions and audio pronunciations to facilitate mastery of key terms and concepts.
    • NEW and UPDATED! New animations throughout from the acclaimed Elsevier Animation Collection!
    • NEW! Updated content matches changes in the new edition of the text.
  • 1. Organization of the Body
    2. Chemical Basis of Life
    3. Anatomy and Physiology of Cells
    4. Tissues
    5. Skin and its Appendages
    6. The Skeletal System
    7. The Muscular System
    8. The Nervous System
    9. Sense Organs
    10. The Endocrine System
    11. Blood
    12. The Cardiovascular System
    13. The Lymphatic System
    14. The Immune System
    15. The Respiratory System
    16. The Digestive System
    17. Nutrition and Metabolism
    18. The Urinary System
    19. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
    20. Acid-Base Balance
    21. The Male Reproductive System
    22. The Female Reproductive System
    23. Growth and Development
    24. Genetics and Genetic Diseases
  • Kevin T. Patton, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Life Sciences, St. Charles Community College Cottleville, MO Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology Instruction (HAPI adjunct) Northeast College of Health Sciences Seneca Falls, NY, USA
  • This product is available in the following formats:
    Blackboard Learn
    Brightspace by D2L
    Canvas by Instructure
    Evolve (Elsevier)
    Other LMS
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.