cover image - Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323711241
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 06-22-2021
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $80.99

Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition

by Barbara Herlihy, PhD(Physiology), RN

Online Course

cover image - Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323711241
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 06-22-2021
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $80.99
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.

Use this dynamic online learning resource to help your students master the basics of A&P! With modules corresponding to the chapters in Herlihy’s The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition, Anatomy and Physiology Online makes it easier to understand, remember, and apply essential A&P content. Interactive learning modules use hundreds of illustrations, narrated animations, and engaging activities to bring the textbook content to life. Showing how body systems function in health and illness, this self-paced course is ideal for diverse learning styles — especially for visual and hands-on learners.

Newer Edition Available

8th Edition

Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health and Illness

Online Course
ISBN: 9780443125201
    • NEW! Updated content reflects the latest content from Herlihy’s The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition.
    • 21 highly interactive modules correspond one-to-one with chapters in Herlihy’s textbook, bringing content to life with a variety of engaging interactive learning activities, plus self-assessment quizzes and module exams to help students measure their understanding of the content.
    • More than 300 full-color drawings, photographs, and micrographs simplify difficult concepts and complex processes, accurately depicting anatomy, physiology, and disease.
    • More than 120 state-of-the-art, full-color animations with narration clarify anatomic and physiologic processes and provide a realistic graphic foundation of underlying structures and functions.
    • More than 300 interactive exercises use a variety of engaging activities such as identification, sequencing, crosswords, and more to make learning easier and bring A&P to life.
    • Complete glossary of terms includes definitions and audio pronunciations, facilitating mastery of key terms and concepts.
    • NEW! Updated content reflects the latest content from Herlihy’s The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition.
  • Module 1: Introduction to the Human Body
    Module 2: Basic Chemistry
    Module 3: Cells 
    Module 4: Microbiology Basics
    Module 5: Tissues and Membranes
    Module 6: Integumentary System and Body Temperature
    Module 7: Skeletal System
    Module 8: Muscular System
    Module 9: Nervous System
    Module 10: Sensory System
    Module 11: Endocrine System
    Module 12: Blood
    Module 13: The Heart
    Module 14: The Blood Vessels and Circulation
    Module 15: Lymphatic System and Immune System
    Module 16: Respiratory System
    Module 17: Digestive System
    Module 18: Urinary System
    Module 19: Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
    Module 20: Reproductive Systems
    Module 21: Human Development and Heredity
  • Barbara Herlihy, PhD(Physiology), RN, Professor, School of Nursing and Health Professions, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX, USA
  • This product is available in the following formats:
    Blackboard Learn
    Brightspace by D2L
    Canvas by Instructure
    Evolve (Elsevier)
    Other LMS
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.