Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants Binder Ready, 11th Edition
Binder Ready

Help students master the foundational concepts and skills necessary to become successful clinical medical assistants! Written using clear and accessible language, Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, 11th Edition, guides students through essential medical assisting clinical procedures such as taking vital signs; collecting, processing, and testing laboratory specimens; preparing patients for examinations and procedures; administering medications; and assisting with office surgeries. This edition is thoroughly updated throughout to align with 2022 medical assisting competencies and includes a new art program, plus updated coverage of the medical record, nutritional guidelines, OSHA standards for infection control and prevention, emergency preparedness, and the latest medical assisting clinical guidelines. More than 90 procedures help students learn key medical assisting skills, with step-by-step instructions and clear illustrations. Learning features throughout focus on case-based critical thinking, patient education, legal issues, practice tips, and documentation exercises, and a full complement of online resources provides practice for classroom and board exams, EHR documentation exercises, video procedures with evaluation questions, and a variety of interactive exercises to reinforce comprehension and content mastery. This thorough text ensures students have the clinical skills needed to succeed in today's fast-paced medical office.
- NEW! 2022 medical assisting competencies throughout represent the latest educational standards approved by CAAHEP and ABHES.
- NEW! Updated content and skills address electronic prescribing of medications, computer-generated laboratory results and reports, nutritional guidelines, OSHA standards for infection control and prevention, emergency preparedness, and the latest clinical guidelines.
- NEW! Art program features more than 200 new illustrations for procedures, equipment, and supplies used in the modern medical office.
- Consistent, meticulous coverage ensures alignment of all content throughout the text, on the Evolve companion website, and in the study guide.
- Learning features focus on case-based critical thinking, patient education, legal issues, practice tips, and documentation examples.
- More than 90 illustrated procedures offer step-by-step guidance with many featuring accompanying online videos.
- Student resources on Evolve include video procedures with evaluation quizzes, case-based quizzes, SimChart® for the Medical Office documentation exercises, sample certification exams, practicum activities, and interactive activities.
- Instructor resources on Evolve support class preparation, including TEACH lesson plans, PowerPoint® slides, answer keys, an image collection, test bank, interactive procedure checklists, conversion guide, and accreditation mapping documents.
- NEW! 2022 medical assisting competencies throughout represent the latest educational standards approved by CAAHEP and ABHES.
- NEW! Updated content and skills address electronic prescribing of medications, computer-generated laboratory results and reports, nutritional guidelines, OSHA standards for infection control and prevention, emergency preparedness, and the latest clinical guidelines.
- NEW! Art program features more than 200 new illustrations for procedures, equipment, and supplies used in the modern medical office.
1 The Medical Record and Health History
2 Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard
3 Sterilization and Disinfection
4 Vital Signs
5 The Physical Examination
6 Eye and Ear Assessment and Procedures
7 Physical Agents to Promote Tissue Healing
8 The Gynecologic Examination and Prenatal Care
9 The Pediatric Examination
10 Minor Office Surgery
11 Administration of Medication and Intravenous Therapy
12 Cardiopulmonary Procedures
13 Colorectal and Male Reproductive Tests and Procedures
14 Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
15 Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory
16 Urinalysis
17 Phlebotomy
18 Hematology
19 Blood Chemistry and Immunology
20 Medical Microbiology
21 Nutrition
22 Emergency Preparedness and Protective Practices
23 Emergency Medical Procedures and First Aid