Understanding Nursing Research, 8th Edition

Edition after edition, Burns & Grove’s Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice has been known as a leading textbook of nursing research for evidence-based practice (EBP), identified as a competency in the 2021 AACN Essentials and a key emphasis the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN). This updated and enhanced 8th edition gives your students even sharper insights into critical appraisal of published studies for evidence-based nursing practice. Known for its authoritative content, its time-tested systematic approach, and its unique research example format — the new 8th edition of this bestselling textbook features updated content throughout, including current examples of high-quality studies, along with new Research/Evidence-Based Practice Tips boxes and enhanced use of tables, boxes, and illustrations for improved learning.
- NEW! Research / Evidence-Based Practice Tips provide students with expert advice to help them critically appraise published studies for application to clinical practice.
- NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN)-style case studies in both the Evolve student resources and the Evolve instructor resources provide essential practice in answering the new question types that will be featured on the NGN.
- NEW! Updated content throughout focuses on the most relevant, need-to-know information to give students a foundational understanding of research and evidence-based practice (EBP) processes.
- Clear, step-by-step organization introduces the research process and critical appraisal skills, identified as a competency in the 2021 AACN Essentials and a key emphasis of the Next Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN).
- Research Examples are updated with high-quality nursing research and quality improvement studies showing how to critically appraise the nursing literature.
- Balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative research prepares students to approach published studies with an unbiased view of the researcher's methodology.
- Authoritative content is written by pioneers and practitioners of nursing research who offer unique, firsthand insights into the field.
- Strong focus on EBP helps students develop skills in appraising and applying published studies, demonstrating how to apply evidence to clinical practice.
- Summary tables, illustrations, and boxes promote in-depth learning of processes and approaches for today’s increasingly evidence-based clinical practice.
- Critical Appraisal Guidelines boxes provide step-by-step guidance in critically appraising published research studies.
- Introduction to mixed-methods and outcomes research familiarizes students with these increasingly popular methodologies in nursing research.
- Outstanding legibility, usability, visual appeal, and readability ensure that learning is as effortless as possible.
- NEW! Updated content throughout focuses on the most relevant, need-to-know information to give students a foundational understanding of the research and evidence-based practice (EBP) processes.
- NEW! Research / Evidence-Based Practice Tips provide students with expert advice to help them critically appraise published studies for application to clinical practice.
- Clear, step-by-step organization introduces the research process and critical appraisal skills, identified as a competency in the 2021 AACN Essentials and a key emphasis of the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN).
- Strong focus on EBP helps students develop skills in appraising and applying published studies, demonstrating how to apply evidence to clinical practice.
- Authoritative content is written by pioneers and practitioners of nursing research who offer unique, firsthand insights into the field.
- Balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative research prepares students to approach published studies with an unbiased view of the researcher's methodology.
- Introduction to mixed-methods and outcomes research familiarizes students with these increasingly popular methodologies in nursing research.
- Research Examples are updated with high-quality nursing research and quality improvement studies showing how to critically appraise the nursing literature.
- Critical Appraisal Guidelines boxes provide step-by-step guidance in critically appraising published research studies.
- Summary tables, illustrations, and boxes promote in-depth learning of processes and approaches for today’s increasingly evidence-based clinical practice.
- Outstanding legibility, usability, visual appeal, and readability ensure that learning is as effortless as possible.
- NEW! Updated content throughout the book focuses on the most relevant, need-to-know information to help you understand the research and evidence-based practice (EBP) processes.
- NEW! Research / Evidence-Based Practice Tips provide expert advice to help you critically appraise published studies for application to clinical practice.
1 Introduction to Nursing Research and Its Importance in Building an Evidence-Based Practice
2 Introduction to Quantitative Research
3 Introduction to Qualitative Research
4 Examining Ethics in Nursing Research
5 Examining Research Problems, Purposes, and Hypotheses
6 Understanding and Critically Appraising the Literature Review
7 Understanding Theory and Research Frameworks
8 Clarifying Quantitative Research Designs
9 Examining Populations and Samples in Research
10 Clarifying Measurement and Data Collection in Quantitative Research
11 Understanding Statistics in Research
12 Critical Appraisal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Nursing Practice
13 Building an Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
14 Introduction to Additional Research Methodologies in Nursing: Mixed Methods and Outcomes Research