Evolve Resources for Basic Medical Language, 7th Edition

Educator Resources on Evolve
- TEACH lesson plans
- 300 PowerPoint® slides
- Test bank with 650 questions
- Student handouts
- Student PowerPoint® slides
Student Resources on Evolve
- Flashcards with word parts and abbreviations
- Animations
- Practice quizzes
- Medical Millionaire game
- Tournament of Terminology game
- Terms Built from Word Parts activity
- Terms Not Built from Word Parts activity
- Spell Terms activity
- Pair It activity
- Audio glossary
- Appendix C: Abbreviations & Error Prone list
- Appendix D: Pharmacology
- Appendix E: Health Information Technology
- Appendix F: Integrated Medicine Terms
Lessons1. Origins of Medical Language, Body Structure, Oncology, and Laboratory Tests2. Directional Terms, Planes, Regions, and Quadrants3. Integumentary System, Colors, and Plural Endings4. Respiratory System5. Urinary System6. Reproductive Systems7. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems8. Digestive System9. Eye and Ear10. Musculoskeletal System11. Nervous System12. Endocrine SystemAppendicesA: Word Parts Used in Basic Medical LanguageB: Answers to Exercises
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