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126 core title and study aid results for "Physical Therapy"

Displaying 1 - 25 of 126
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  1. 4th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By William G. Boissonnault, PT, DPT DHSc, FAAOMPT, FAPTA and William R. Vanwye, PT, DPT, PhD
  2. 3rd Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Kathleen A. Sluka, PT, PhD, FAPTA
  3. 2nd Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Kim Dunleavy, PT, PhD, MOMT, OCS, FNAP and Amy Kubo Slowik, PT, CSCS
  4. 11th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Dale Avers, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, Donovan J. Lott, PT, PhD, CSCS and Marybeth Brown, PT, PhD, FACSM, FAPTA
  5. 5th Edition

    A hardcover textbook

    A hardcover textbook
    By Kevin K Chui, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS, OCS, CEEAA, FAAOMPT, Sheng-Che Yen, PT, PhD, Daniele Piscitelli, PT, PhD and Inga Wang, OTR/L, PhD
  6. 4th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Donna Joy Cech, PT, DHS and Suzanne Tink Martin, PT, PhD
  7. 4th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Jeffrey D. Placzek, MD, PT and David A. Boyce, PT, EOD, OCS, ECS
  8. 4th Edition

    A hardcover textbook

    A hardcover textbook
    By Donald A. Neumann, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA
  9. 4th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Lori Quinn, EdD, PT and James Gordon, EdD, PT, FAPTA
  10. 2nd Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Roberta O'Shea, PT, DPT, PhD
  11. 2nd Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Charlene Marshall, BS, PTA
  12. 1st Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By William R. Vanwye, PT, DPT, PhD and Dianna Lunsford, OTD M.Ed. OTRL CHT
  13. 10th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Amy M. Haddad, PhD, MFA, RN, FAAN, Regina F. Doherty, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA, FNAP and Ruth B. Purtilo, PhD, FAPTA
  14. 4th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Nancy Berryman Reese, PT, PhD, MHSA, FAPTA and William D. Bandy, PT, PhD, SCS, FAPTA
  15. 4th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Paul Jackson Mansfield, MPT and Donald A. Neumann, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA
  16. 3rd Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Charlene Marshall, BS, PTA
  17. 7th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By John Heick and Rolando T. Lazaro
  18. 6th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Laurie Lundy-Ekman, PhD, PT
  19. 6th Edition

    A hardcover textbook

    A hardcover textbook
    By Robert Palisano, PT, ScD, Margo Orlin, PT, PhD and Joseph Schreiber
  20. 6th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Michelle H. Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
  21. 1st Edition

    A hardcover textbook

    A hardcover textbook
    By Deborah Doherty, Chris Wilson and Lori Boright
  22. 6th Edition

    A hardcover textbook

    A hardcover textbook
    By Donna Frownfelter, PT, DPT, MA, CCS, RRT, FCCP, Elizabeth Dean, PhD, PT, Marcia Stout, DNP, APN, FNP-C, CWON, CHSE, Rob Kruger, RN MEd CNCC(C) and Joseph Anthony, PhD, PT
  23. 6th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Catherine H. Balthazar, PhD, CCC-SLP and Ann M. Vendrely, Ed.D., D.P.T
  24. 5th Edition

    A paperback textbook or study aid

    A paperback textbook or study aid
    By Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, SCS, MEd, ATC, CSCS
  25. 5th Edition

    A hardcover textbook

    A hardcover textbook
    By Ellen Hillegass, EdD, PT, CCS, FAACVPR