On Demand Training • HESI Compass HESI® Compass™: Student Orientation (for Students) –1. Slack 2. Onboarding – Welcome to Compass! 3. Modules and Lessons 4. Clinical Judgment Case Studies 5. Mid-Course Exam and Custom Content 6. Quizzes 7. Case Studies 8. Study Tools 9. Performance 10. Course Wrap-Up This series of videos provides an orientation of the parts of HESI Compass you’ll encounter as a student. Related Documents: HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Slack (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Onboarding: Welcome to Compass! (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Modules and Lessons (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Clinical Judgment Case Studies (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Mid-Course Exam and Customized Content (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Quizzes (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Case Studies (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Study Tools (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Performance (for Students) HESI Compass: Student Orientation - Course Wrap-Up (for Students) More like this: On Demand Training HESI Compass HESI® Compass™: Student Orientation On Demand Training HESI Compass HESI® Compass™: Viewing Your Students’ Performance On Demand Training HESI Compass HESI® Compass™: Implementation -1. Basics 2. Options Need technical or product support? Visit our Evolve Support Center ↗