Student Blogs

How to Gain Confidence in the Clinical Setting

Written by Angelys Centeno

Nursing students can gain confidence in the clinical setting by surrounding themselves with positivity. According to Panduragan et al. (2017), a nursing student should try to build relationships with positive people and avoid negative people. A clinical setting involves critical activities that require confidence. For example, a nurse requires confidence to provide adequate care for a patient. Therefore, a nurse should evaluate their inner circle because friends and family can affect their confidence significantly. Panduragan et al. (2017) encourage nurses to avoid individuals who affect their confidence negatively. A nursing student should put some positive enthusiasm into their interactions. In essence, Panduragan et al. (2017) found that personal problems can affect nurse performance in the clinical setting. Therefore, a nurse should focus on making positive changes rather than focusing on problems.

Another way to improve confidence in the clinical setting is by complimenting others. Confidence can lead to positivity or negativity. If someone has the confidence to compliment others, he/she is positive (Yang et al., 2015). Hence, complements show confidence. Paying people compliments has a mutual benefit; it encourages a person to speak their mind and makes the recipient feel better. Yang et al. (2015) observed that nurses who appreciate colleagues have high confidence levels. Compliments create a foundation for a conversation, which is essential in portraying confidence. Therefore, nursing students should complement colleagues in the clinical setting to enhance their confidence. Yang et al. (2015) say that people feel valued and appreciated when given a positive compliment. Appreciation is a foundation for relationships, which are essential in the clinical setting. Thus, a nursing student can cultivate healthy relationships with nurses by complimenting them; therefore, developing clinical confidence.

Most importantly, nursing students can gain confidence in the clinical setting by working on their weaknesses. According to Panduragan et al. (2017), the most important way to improve confidence is improving on things that seems challenging. Thus, Panduragan et al. (2017) encourage nursing students to do whatever there are not good at repeatedly to increased efficiency and confidence. If a person continues practicing the skill that makes them feel the least confident, they will gradually get better and improve their confidence. Rather than working hard to hide mistakes, a nursing student should admit her weaknesses to get the necessary help. Panduragan et al. (2017) state that admitting mistakes encourages a nurse to do what they believe is right. Hence, rather than governing behavior on other people’s ideas, a nursing student should do what they believe is right to gain clinical confidence.


Panduragan, S. L., Abdullah, N., Hassan, H., & Mat, S. (2017). Level of confidence among nursing students in the clinical setting. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences18, 404-407.

Yang, Y. O., Kim, M., Park, K. Y., & Yang, J. H. (2015). Factors influencing the confidence in core clinical skills among hospital nurses. International journal of nursing practice21(6), 831-838.


Angelys Centeno

Student Ambassador