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Answer: 2
Rationale: For effective communication, the nurse uses active listening and checks for verbal and nonverbal communication to receive the client’s intended message, thus creating an environment in which the client feels comfortable expressing feelings. An authoritarian approach is directive and not permissive, and it is unlikely to create an environment for the free exchange of thoughts and ideas. Reflecting facts only is a barrier to effective communication because subjective information can also provide a stimulus for effective communication. Reacting in a matter-of-fact manner can be an ineffective strategy for facilitating communication.
Additional Info
Level of Cognitive Ability: Creating Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity Integrated Process: Communication and Documentation Content Area: Foundations of Care: Communication Health Problem: N/A
Practice Question Sourced From: Saunders Q & A Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination, 5th Edition