Brian Forbes
Brian Forbes has teaching experience at the associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degree levels. His primary focus in nursing was trauma. While in education, Dr. Forbes taught in anatomy & physiology, health assessment, medical-surgical nursing, and critical care. He served as Coordinator for Undergraduate Student Success at a large baccalaureate nursing program. He was instrumental with revamping areas focusing on student success, testing policies, and remediation.
Dr. Forbes also actively practiced chiropractic until shifting his primary focus to nursing education. While in private practice, his office had two primary concentrations. The first concentration was chiropractic wellness, sports rehabilitation, and expert witness for utilization and review for insurance companies. The second concentration was in industrial health. He performed Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals; managed a DOT drug and alcohol consortium; designed, implemented, and performed drug testing for his local county court family law division, which ultimately reached five counties; and last served as an expert drug witness in an arbitration case for a national labor organization.
Dr. Forbes has used many of Elsevier’s products while in nursing education, including Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) and various HESI products.