Student success on the Next Generation NCLEX and in practice depends on how your program approaches developing job-ready students. An essential aspect of this is using comprehensive, consistent tools across your nursing curriculum that foster clinical judgment and critical thinking. Only Elsevier offers a complete, end-to-end solution with the authoritative and consistent content and digital solutions required to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to excel on the NCLEX and in practice.

Learn more about the features of this product and how you can make an impact on your students.

Online Scenarios
More than 160 evidence-based nursing simulation scenarios correspond to Elsevier’s texts in core nursing disciplines and include clear instructions and supporting resources to help you conduct the most realistic simulations possible.

Pre- and Post-Simulation Activities
Pre and post-simulation activities are provided to reinforce student comprehension and help develop essential critical thinking and clinical judgment skills.

EHR powered by SimChart®
Housing records for skill drills, patient and nursing simulation scenarios, SLS’s robust EHR platform helps students learn how to properly document patient care.

Foster Students' Clinical Judgment Throughout Their Journey

Build Knowledge
- Enduring Elsevier content, built to establish a foundation for practice, is key to reinforcing students’ ability to make connections between recognized cues, analyze them to develop hypotheses, and take action to generate solutions.
Products that build knowledge with enduring Elsevier content:

Apply Clinical Judgment
Elsevier digital solutions enable you to bring clinical judgment concepts into the classroom and lab. Products such as HESI Case Studies, SimChart®, and Simulation Learning System create an environment that allows students to safely practice making clinical judgments.
Products that are designed to observe how students are processing information and demonstrating clinical judgment when making patient care decisions:

Assess & Review
HESI assessments are backed by more than 20 years of research that point to the proven validity of our exams. Our experts are focused on aligning with NCSBN to create items delivered in the same valid, reliable, and secure manner you have relied upon for ensuring students are ready for the NCLEX.
Products that were created evaluate how well students are understanding key concepts and using their clinical judgment skills: