Cheryl Wilson
As a nurse educator for Shadow Health® at Elsevier, Cheryl brings together clinical, educational, and simulation expertise in building realistic, evidence-based virtual patient simulations. Her vast background in practice as well as teaching didactic and clinical for undergraduate and graduate advanced practice nursing provides a wide range of clinical and student experiences to build upon. Cheryl has a passion for helping students improve clinical reasoning and diagnostic reasoning while building communication skills. As an expert in curriculum development and design, she advocates for integration of meaningful simulation experiences at all levels of training including for new graduates.
Cheryl has a Doctor of Nursing Practice in Adult Geriatric Primary Care, Masters degree in Adult Health, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Dual certified as both a Family Nurse Practitioner and an Adult Health Nurse Practitioner, she is also an NLN Certified Nurse Educator and a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator through the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.