Cindy Siebert



“I remember what it is like to be a student with multiple other obligations besides studying and the desire to be successful in all of the many “hats” I had to wear.  I enjoy encouraging students and providing support to them while working through their course and improving their critical thinking skill which will enhance their ability to provide quality care to their clients.”


Cynthia (Cindy) Siebert is a HESI Compass coach, an Elsevier Case Study Reviewer, skills lab coordinator and adjunct faculty at Bradly University, and adjunct faculty at Illinois Central College. She brings 26 years of nursing experience beginning as an LPN in LTC  for five years and advancing to an MSN where she worked as a Critical Care Nurse and travel nurse.

For the past 19 years, Cindy has worked in the role of nursing educator within LPN, ADN, and BSN nursing programs.  As a coach, she looks at the individual students testing trends and identifies with students ways to improve their performance.