HESI Exit Exams continue to be a reliable predictor of NCLEX-RN success, with a history of up to 98% accuracy. But did you know our latest research shows that HESI Specialty Exams lead to Exit Exam success!

The HESI Readiness for NCLEX Dashboard translates crucial data into meaningful insights enabling educators to make accurately informed instructional decisions that will improve their program success and increase NCLEX pass rates.

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Improve Exit Scores

Determine NCLEX readiness at cohort-level and student-level

Identify at-risk students early

Monitor progress and trends over time

Benchmark performance against national average and cohort average

Track category-specific performance across exams

What Instructors and Administrators Are Saying

“This is just what I need—it will save me so much time” 

“It really is a very handy tool in giving me an overview of how the cohorts as a whole are progressing”

“I like the grouping (of students) by performance level.  I like to focus on weaker students, so it’s easier to see where they are”